Jamie's Auto Service
1710 Main St Val Caron, ON P3N 1R8 705-897-5557

Steering and Suspension

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U and your U-Joints (Lubricate U-Joints)

If your vehicle’s power goes to the rear wheels, then you have something called U-joints in the drivetrain. U-joints are connectors that allow the rotating power from your vehicle’s engine...
Published on: Aug 06, 2023

Easy on the Wheel (Power Steering)

Steering a vehicle these days doesn't take much effort, but if you got behind the wheel back before power steering was invented, you'd need to practically have the strength of Hercules to turn the whe...
Published on: Jul 23, 2023

My Vehicle is Turning Me Off!

Steering should be something you don't have to think about too much.  You want to go somewhere, you turn the wheel, and you head in that direction.  Simple, right? What happens when your st...
Published on: Mar 28, 2021

Maintain Your Power Steering System

Although a number of newer vehicles are coming equipped with electric power steering, the vast majority of Val Caron drivers's cars and trucks on the road use a hydraulic power boost system. With hydr...
Published on: Jul 29, 2018


Steering is one of the things we take for granted in our vehicles. Let's break it down into two areas: first, the power assist and second the actual parts that steer the vehicle.Most people in Val Car...
Published on: Jan 21, 2018